The Effects of Skimming

Today I will not be talking about a certain form of writing; instead, I will be talking about reading tools for writers to think about.

When reading, many people get bored or tired easily of reading descriptions. This can effect in skimming through those parts and missing some very important details in your book. Skimming is not something that any writer should intend for their reader to do.

Skimming can conclude in...

*Missing important details
*Bad ratings/never recommend
*Abandoning the book

What you can do to stop your readers from skimming is this:

*Limit descriptions
*If you need to describe something really important to your book, try to have a character speak it instead of just droning on and on about it in long blocky paragraphs
*Try to create more dialogue than description throughout the story

Skimming is something that mostly all readers do sometime in their life. It does not mean that the book they are reading is terrible: it just means that it does not interest them. Try to create effective books by adding element of surprise, dialogue, and cutting back on descriptions.


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