Choppy Sentences!

Hey! What's up? How are you? What did you do this weekend?

Today I will be talking about the negative AND positive effects of using short or "choppy" sentences.

This can be used for ALL writers, of all sorts.

When writing with choppy sentences, you can use it for different reasons. Choppy sentences are not necessarily fragments, although they can be. Choppy sentences are short and sweet, and can be rather annoying, but I am getting ahead of myself. First, let's talk about the GOOD effects of using choppy sentences...

*They can be used to create the element of surprise
*They can be used to heighten the climax or important scenes
*They can be used to scare readers (make them want to read more and more)

Now, to the bad parts:

*They are really annoying
*Fragments are ungrammatical
*They are not a good form of writing

An example of choppy sentences used in a bad way is like my opening. Those words in the beginning are fine in a dialogue, but not really in a long description.

A good example would be...

Katie cautiously opened the door. Creak, creak, creak. Katie was scared. The hair stood up on her back. She winced at the creaks and peered inside, only to see...
something terrible.

It was...

Anyways, please comment below on what you thought I was thinking about! I will reply after five comments.

Thanks so much for reading! Please comment and write!


  1. Great info...I will definitely use this logic on future writings.


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