Writing Out Loud

We all have heard of "reading out loud." We all have done it once or twice too. But many people may not have heard of "writing out loud", and that is most likely because it is a term that I coined myself just now, as I was trying to think of a title.

Whatever you may be writing, whether it be an essay, a short story, or a novel, writing out loud is a good tip for you to do when writing. Writing out loud is basically reading your story out loud, either to yourself or to a friend or family member, while writing.

I have found that this makes it a lot easier to get past blocks. For example, you can act out the parts of your story, and imagine what that character is going to say next. That way, it sounds realistic because you are doing it realistically.

If you have no idea how someone talks or acts at a certain point in your story, you can write out loud. Act out what that person is doing or saying. You can even write out loud the descriptions, and try to imagine the scenery in your head.

After you do this for a while, it will become a natural part of you as you write. Right now, I am writing out loud as I am typing this post! Writing out loud is a good technique to get past obstacles, to make things seem more realistic or dramatic, and to get the whole picture in your head. Just don't do this when you are in a quiet room, especially if you have a loud voice! You might just get a few weird stares pointed towards you.

Thanks for reading! Please comment, and visit iRead (www.iread2016.blogspot.com) and Gameview (www.gameview2016.blogspot.com)!! Thanks so much! MIC ;)


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