

So welcome back to iWrite! Today, I am going to be talking about music and writing.

Do they mix?

I sadly do not have a definite answer. I would say that it always helps me, but some people do not enjoy having music while writing, or studying, etc.

When you are writing, if you find that you cannot have music playing, TURN IT OFF! I mean, don't insist on having something that can break your writing concentration and focus.

When you are writing, if you can have music playing, you do not need to have rock music blaring into your head, while trying to write a romantic or tragic scene. Not that rock music is bad (it is great), but for some people, you might want to try something more classical, or soft, to help you focus.

Also, I find that some people like to have a random video from YouTube playing while writing (that's sometimes me). I think that this is fine if you can still write. For example, right now, I am writing this while listening to a random video. I am still writing, and I can still focus and know what to write about. So if you can concentrate, by all means, turn it on!


This can...
#1 ruin your hearing
#2 lose concentration no matter how hard you try
#3 find yourself singing while you are trying to write a difficult scene, and add something way off of what you wanted
#4 end up typing the song lyrics! :)

I think that if you can listen and concentrate, do it. If you can't, don't. It is as simple as that!



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