Giving Your Characters a Personality

Today I will be talking about what to look out for when developing characters.

Before I start, this will all be written as if you are writing a novel or short story/other work of fiction.

When trying to create realistic and amazing characters, you should try to elaborate on their personalities. This is very important because if you don't work too well on your characters, then you will be creating empty characters that readers will not be able to empathize with, and then will not want to read about them.

Now, if you are modeling your characters on someone in real life, first get permission, and then interview as many things you can about that person. You can create very realistic characters this way. You can even model a character on yourself, though try not to make it too obvious.

If you are creating an imaginary character from your own mind, then here is one way you can try to create realistic characters:

Drawing of Person
(Stick figure, real person, etc) 

*Name: ______
*Age: ______
*Hair: ______
*Eyes: ______
*Height: ______
*Weight: ______
*Friends: ____________
*Dad: ______
*Mom: _______
*Siblings: ________
*Pets: _______
*Crush: _______
*Favorite Subject: ________
*Worst Subject: _________
*Personal Info: _____________________________

This is just one way to do this, but something along the lines of this is a good idea for you to do on certain things. For example, it is a good idea to do this on all of the major characters. Minor characters do not need one of these.

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