Outlines: Pros and Cons

Many writers around the world use outlines when writing a story, an essay, and even novels. An outline can be very helpful when trying to tie up loose ends and fill in plot holes, but many people also disagree with using an outline for many different reasons, one of them being that an outline confines your imagination and freedom as you write.

*Can help fill up holes
*Keeps you on track as you write
*Helps you know what is going to come next
*Makes writing easier
*Can be changed easily

*No freedom
*No new ideas because you already know how it is going to end
*Takes too long to write the outline
*Your imagination and creativity cannot take flight
*You are confined to writing what is on your outline

I, personally, am not a fan of writing/using outlines. But I can understand why some people like it. To add your opinion, please comment below!


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