Writer's Block
Is Writer's Block Real?
As you progress as a writer, you will learn that at some point in your writing, you will experience what people call "writer's block". However, you may have heard the rumor that writer's block isn't real. So what do you call what happens when you get stuck and just don't know what to write?
Writer's block is basically when you are stopped from your flow of writing. Your stream of creativity suddenly runs dry. your waterfall of imagination experiences a drought. This drought is not permanent, but it can last for a long time, and delay you.
Do not be disappointed when you get writer's block. Keep on writing, whether it is a new story, an essay, a school paper, or just a free-write (I will be blogging about those ASAP). I think that when you write, you should never stop, even if you are stuck in one particular composition.
When you write, try to brainstorm ideas before writing. You don't have to record them, but you should keep these ideas in the back of your head to guide you as you write, so that you can avoid writer's block.
Many people say that writer's block isn't real. It is true to some extent. You may be stumped in one piece of writing, but that doesn't mean that you are stumped in of your writing.
If you get writer's block at any point, don't worry! It is normal and it happens to all writers at some point in their career. The advice I can give is to keep on writing, but try something new, step out of your comfort zone for just a little while, and then begin writing on your first story after taking a break. You will start to feel the writing flow again come out of your pen.
As you progress as a writer, you will learn that at some point in your writing, you will experience what people call "writer's block". However, you may have heard the rumor that writer's block isn't real. So what do you call what happens when you get stuck and just don't know what to write?
Writer's block is basically when you are stopped from your flow of writing. Your stream of creativity suddenly runs dry. your waterfall of imagination experiences a drought. This drought is not permanent, but it can last for a long time, and delay you.
Do not be disappointed when you get writer's block. Keep on writing, whether it is a new story, an essay, a school paper, or just a free-write (I will be blogging about those ASAP). I think that when you write, you should never stop, even if you are stuck in one particular composition.
When you write, try to brainstorm ideas before writing. You don't have to record them, but you should keep these ideas in the back of your head to guide you as you write, so that you can avoid writer's block.
Many people say that writer's block isn't real. It is true to some extent. You may be stumped in one piece of writing, but that doesn't mean that you are stumped in of your writing.
If you get writer's block at any point, don't worry! It is normal and it happens to all writers at some point in their career. The advice I can give is to keep on writing, but try something new, step out of your comfort zone for just a little while, and then begin writing on your first story after taking a break. You will start to feel the writing flow again come out of your pen.
Yes I agree with you...just look or walk around somewhere and that great idea will come to you!!!