Writing Description Part 2

So I had a ton of ideas to write about in this part two, but I am pretty sure I lost them all...

Oh, well! New ideas!

Description is a part of writing. There is no possible way to stop it. But there are ways in which to write it that you don't 100% bore your readers.

Like I said before, write it in a way so that dialogue and description are equal in length, or as equal as it can be. Please don't overload your description.

When writing beautiful description, try to capture every single moment of the picture that you are trying to paint. For example...


The grass was cold as I lay down.


The green grass was frigid as I started to lie down, catching sight of the blue sky with white puffy clouds up above.

As you can see, the second sentence basically stated the same thing as the first, but it had a lot more detail in which you could actually see that green grass or that blue sky.

Description is hard to write. It needs to be interesting and it has to do what you want it to do. It has to show what you want it to show in a way that still makes the reader happy.

I know that this was an extremely short post, and I am so sorry about that! Thanks so much and please comment and follow!


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